Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How Mindset Therapy Provides Treatment In A Digital Age?

Welcome back to the blog for Mindset Therapy, PLLC. Today we will review some of the benefits of telepsychology services and how they might be the best choice for you once you have made the decision to seek mental health care. In the digital age, telepsychology is the best fit for many people. 

The world is becoming more digital.  Most items or services can be ordered from your home/office and delivered to your door.  When internet services became popular, it was first packages that could be delivered, but has expanded to groceries and restaurants.  Now, medical services are also becoming available via technology. Telepsychology services allow more people to receive mental health treatment due to numerous obstacles being removed, such as travel time to/from your appointment, absence of a qualified therapist in your area, and the need to find childcare to attend your appointment.  Another obstacle removed is the stigma of attending a mental health appointment. Although seeking mental health care is not a sign of weakness, some people still put off attending therapy due to concern with what people will think. 

When you have made the decision that working on your mental health is a priority for you, choose a therapist that makes virtual house calls, and recognizes time and comfort are your priority.   Research has shown that services via telepsychology are equivalent to those received more traditionally in an office.   When the two methods of delivery for your mental health treatment are equivalent, you need to consider what works best for you.  If you are a busy professional, student, or parent, being able to call into your appointment where you are can be a time saver.  There is no need to re-arrange your schedule to allow you time to get to your appointment.  Additionally, there is no need to schedule childcare because you will remain home while you are attending your appointment.  Convenience is key in today’s busy society in which one more task to add to an already hectic schedule can be difficult. 

At Mindset Therapy we provide mental health services from trained professionals, via an online psychologist in Texas, which allows you to attend the appointment from the location most convenient for you. Visit Mindset Therapy to learn more about the services offered.   If you are not sure whether the service is right for you, you can also email or call, and we will be happy to discuss the services further!

Visit Past Blogs from Mindset Therapy:

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Why Wait Until You Reach the Breaking Point? Get Help by Using Mental Health Services in Texas

Welcome back to the blog for Mindset Therapy, a telepsychology company providing mental health services in Texas.  Our goal is to assist you in finding ways to recognize mental health symptoms and provide convenient mental health care from the location of your choice.  In previous blogs I have reviewed some common mental health symptoms; today I will focus on the help-seeking process.

 Asking for help can be difficult. We’re often taught that we should attempt to solve problems on our own, before asking others for assistance.  Trying to solve problems on your own does teach you problem solving skills.  However, not all problems are able to be solved by you alone. It is impossible to know everything, and you shouldn’t expect yourself to know how to solve every issue you are confronted with.  When you don’t know how to change the spark plug in the car, you take it to a repair shop, when your child’s math skills are limited, you seek a tutor, and when you have a sore muscle that won’t heal, you see your doctor.  When asking for help in these situations, you likely don’t question the reason you need help or view yourself as weak.  However, when considering seeking services for mental health issues, people often blame themselves for being “weak” and unable to “fix it” on their own.  The expectation is you should be able to solve your mental health problems on your own.  However, this belief is not realistic.  We can’t be experts in everything, and not being an expert on your mental health is ok.

A stigma with receiving mental health services remains, but why wait for your breaking point before you decide to get help? Treatment is much more effective when sought early.   And seeking treatment isn’t a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength.  Asking for help is ok, and acceptable. Don’t wait for your breaking point before you turn to help.  Your life, relationships, and health will be significantly affected if you continue to push through difficulties on your own.

There are various resources for help, to include your family doctor and mental health clinics.  At Mindset Therapy we provide mental health services in Texas from trained professionals, via Telepsychology, which allows you to attend the appointment from the location most convenient for you.

Visit Mindset Therapy to learn more about the services offered and make an appointment.   If you are not sure whether the service is right for you, you can also email or call, and we will be happy to discuss the services further!

How Mindset Therapy Provides Treatment In A Digital Age?

Welcome back to the blog for Mindset Therapy, PLLC. Today we will review some of the benefits of telepsychology services and how they m...